Finding symmetries in an unsymmetrical world ..

Archive for March 12th, 2009

Yesterday I met a collegue in the elevator , and whilst both of us were rushing to catch the evening shuttle, he exclaimed “ I missed it , already !”

To which I quoted ” If you think you have, you have..”

For a moment he stared at me, for although we happen to sit on the same floor, I have hardly had any interaction with him.And he wasn’t expecting to be overheard as he made this “decalration to self”. To wind things up, I just closed it with ,”Have you read The Secret “, I will tell you about it tomorrow”

This morning I sighted him at the coffee corner.Excited that I was, I asked him, if he could catch the shuttle yesterday. He did !

So here’s all that I wanted to tell him and you ..

The Secret finishes with the Law of attraction and the power of the principle of reinforcement.i.e your thoughts become things, for everything happens to you twice ,once in your mind, and once when you Do it .

The book closes with the reinforcement of the belief that you get all that you truly DESIRE. So if you are not getting all that YOU want, give it a second thought, are you being skeptical that “will I get it?”, or do you simply BELIEVE. Believe that somehow everything will fall in place and you will be OK.

After I read the book, open as I am to trying out new things , I convinced myself to replace every negative and self-doubting thought by a positive affirmative thought , I will get it .

Because “Thoughts become Things ..”

To substantiate :


As you work out in the gym with the thoughts of a positive, toned , heathier you, you no longer bother about the muscles and ligaments that hurt ,for your mind has tutored your body, to be patient, and to persist, because YOU want to be fit, build your stamina. These muscles which used to cry out claiming you were rude, persist and support you. This is the power of mind. 

I belive why you get what you think, is because you make your mind stronger enough for this desire to turn true, and you subconsciously take actions to commensurate it. So take that firm belief,see yourself as holding that object that you desire,palce that you wanted to go to, or the education and information base you wanted to build and you will ACT. And more so, you will enjoy it, because it no longer looks ACTION to you, it looks something that enables you to reach there faster .

This morning I read Becky’s wonderful post on “Reinventing the self.. If you must make that one change today, work out on your thoughts, for they morph into reality .

And don’t wait for that pink slip to do what you have always wanted to, do it right way, if you should.

Like everything else, it is not easy, and you will run , want to wander, just put , and you will be fine eventually, ROME wasn’t built in a day .

To begin, create it in your mind, and STICK on !

Here is a related awesome post that you will LOVE : Running to finish..




Ask, believe and you will receive..


Hey there, would be nice to have you around !

That’s me

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