Finding symmetries in an unsymmetrical world ..

Posts Tagged ‘poermission marketing

I really get annoyed when people mistake marketing to be synonymous with Selling. Selling, like branding is just one aspect of Marketing. 

Marketing in true terms is about defining the product/services that you wish to sell in the open market, so where is the emphasis?

It is on defining the product, this is the subject; selling is just a by-product(predicate) of marketing. The difference between the two being that “Defining a Remarkable product” is not measurable, but selling is. You can count the number of products sold, or estimate how people like the service you provide by the number of contracts you/your business receives day in and out. You can estimate that by repeat business, by surveys (not the ones where no one bothers if their feedback is valuable, and the customer just grades the service provider in a random manner) Overall, Marketing has a multi dimensional realm.


Marketing like anything else, is about telling a story   that people can relate to. It is to draw the attention of people to something worth discussing. Marketing is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, economics and Anthropology. So it only comes naturally that what appeals to you, might not move me, for individuals in the same space are different .

Obama story talks of change , a change which is BIG, risky because it requires changing the mindset of people , making them believe and being able to relate to the hope that encompasses his campaign .

While traditional advertising is interrupting, the new forms such as using social media and networking are the ones that create ardent followers, or raving fans. You like it or you don’t , and if you do not you do not listen to it, but you SELECT and DECIDE  whether or not you will pay your ears to it. No one will shoot it at you, just because THEY have spent loads of money to get you couchpotatos listen to the same old commercials.

Marketing is changing, and so we should change our perception of it too.  





The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people! 


Hey there, would be nice to have you around !

That’s me

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